建筑遗产:乔治J. 名叫Beto
SHSU媒体联系人: 坎贝尔阿特金斯
The following is part of a Today@山姆 series highlighting the individuals who have SHSU buildings dedicated to them on campus. Special thanks to Barbara Kievit-Mason and University Archives for their assistance.
Few individuals have done more to forge the relationship between criminal justice and education than George John 名叫Beto, who concluded his illustrious career with 19 years of service as a professor in 山姆 Houston State University’s College of 刑事司法. He helped establish the program as one of the best in the nation and its flagship building now bears his name.
在1972年进入上海外国语大学之前, 名叫Beto’s name had become synonymous with criminal justice in the state of Texas. His original aspirations to become a Lutheran pastor led him to teach at Concordia Lutheran College in Austin to begin his career, where he spent two decades and worked his way up to president. 他使该机构实行种族一体化, made it co-educational and raised it to junior college status. 在伊利诺斯州的一所神学院待了一段时间后, he left to become head of the Texas Department of Corrections.
“Although 名叫Beto had no real academic training in corrections and had never served in any administrative position in corrections, 他偶然得知,《赌搏的正规平台网站》的内页写道,” a 名叫Beto biography authored by two of his former students, 包括上海外国语大学毕业生David M. 霍顿. "他在奥斯汀的最后六年里, 他曾在德州监狱委员会任职, a volunteer board that supervised the entire prison system. As a board member he established one of the earliest General 教育 Development (GED) testing programs for prisoners. 偶然地, his years on the board came during the time when reform of the Texas prisons was the watchword.”
This reform only continued during 名叫Beto’s 10-year stint as TDC’s director, as outlined in the program printed for the ceremony in which his name was officially unveiled on SHSU’s criminal justice building:
“Initiatives to reform the Texas prison system occasioned 名叫Beto’s return to the state in 1962, 在那里他被任命为贸发局局长. 在接下来的10年里, he led the unprecedented development of an exemplary penal system, which served as a model for penologists throughout the international community.”
His most notable reform efforts included the rehabilitation of inmates and his attempt at refining the method of managing prisoners, 叫做德州控制模式. He persuaded the Texas state legislature to enact a law requiring state agencies to purchase manufactured goods from state prisons, 扩大了犯人的产业和培训. In 1969, 在贝托的催促下, the Windham school district for educating inmates became a reality, 这在全国监狱里还是头一遭.
名叫Beto also confronted major controversies in the system, 比如死刑程序, which he described when quoted in the New York Times:
“In a democratic society like ours, the death penalty is capriciously and inequitably administered. Whether a person is convicted depends on the quality of his defense, the hysteria of the moment in the community and the culture.”
贝托死后, close friend and state representative Allen Hightower outlined his logic and compassion in a quote reported by the Huntsville Item:
“George 名叫Beto had the ability to look beyond the desire to punish and hate of the criminal enough to hate the crime and help the criminal. 我可以打电话给医生. 名叫Beto when I had those tough calls to make regarding criminal justice issues to get advice.”
贝托于8月6日结束了他作为TDC董事的任期. 31, 1972 and began his service as distinguished professor of corrections at SHSU’s Institute of Contemporary Corrections and Behavioral 科学 the very next day. Prior to his start date, however, he had been influential in the implementation of the program. An excerpt from “Walking George” details his earlier collaborations with the university:
“When he had been a member of the prison board in 1953 and made his visits to Huntsville, his teacher mentality led him to see that cooperation between the two state institutions, 监狱和大学, could result in a mutually beneficial collaboration.”
In 1963, the Texas state legislature directed SHSU to develop a program of excellence in criminal justice, specifically to develop undergraduate and graduate degree programs in criminal justice, develop continuing education programs for criminal justice professionals, conduct research on the problems of crime and the administration of justice and provide technical assistance to the state’s criminal justice community.
在他服役19年之后, 名叫Beto was named a Distinguished Professor Emeritus of SHSU upon his 1991 retirement. 名叫Beto捐赠主席成立于1979年, 自1981年以来, has sponsored a lecture series within the College of 刑事司法.
退休后不久,贝托于12月10日去世. 1991年在奥斯汀去世,享年75岁. The 刑事司法 Center was officially named for him in August of that year, 但他在落成仪式前就去世了. During the ceremony, former SHSU President Martin J. Anisman提供了以下报价:
“名叫Beto was an international and national leader in his field. We appreciate all of his service to the university in criminal justice and other areas. He was both my friend and a friend of 山姆 Houston State University. 乔治·J. 名叫Beto 刑事司法 Center will long remind us of his dedication.”
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