网站: http://www.lonestar.edu/
Sam Houston State University offers a number of programs designed to help college transfer students meet their educational goals maximizing transfer credits while simultaneously minimizing the cost and time required to attain both the associate and baccalaureate degrees. These programs include Online Articulation (this page), 联合招生, 反向传输, 合作咨询. Exciting additional opportunities exist for high school students enrolled in Dual Credit, AP, 早期的大学, or just taking college credits while still in high school. High school students should consider utilizing Time Compressed Degree Plans which incorporate Online Articulation, 联合招生, 反向传输, 合作咨询 to meet educational objectives.
You will find the application for 联合招生 with Sam Houston State University on this page. Ideally you should not apply till you have achieved at least 12 hours of academic credits towards the baccalaureate degree of your choice as indicated by Online Articulation. 统计, transfers in excess of 35 hours are more than twice as like to complete the bachelor degree as those with 15 hours or less. The Online Articulation material may then be used as a guide in conjunction with 联合招生 to accumulate up to 66 hours of college transfer credits to SHSU with no loss of transfer credits. Acceptance into 联合招生 is based on your college transcript and completing the application forms as directed. The minimum GPA for admission is 2.5 for 17 or fewer academic hours and 2.超过17小时.
| 更多关于联合招生 |
- Agricultural Business Program
- Agricultural 通信 Program
- Agricultural 教育 Program
- Agricultural 工程技术 Program
- 动物科学专业
- Art
- Bachelor of Applied Arts and 科学
- 生物学
- Business Degree (Accounting, Management, etc.)
- 化学
- 刑事司法
- 计算机科学
- 通信研究
- 施工管理
- Dance
- Design and Development Program
- Early Childhood 教育 Minor & 老板主要
- 教育
- Electronics and Computer 工程技术
- 工程技术
- 英语
- Family and Consumer 科学 (B.A.)
- Family and Consumer 科学 (B.S.)
- 时尚营销(B.A.)
- 时尚营销(B.S.)
- Food Science and Nutrition
- Food Service Management (B.A.)
- Food Service Management (B.S.)
- 法医化学
- 地理(B.A.)
- 地理(B.S.)
- 地质
- Health
- 历史
- 荣誉项目
- Interdisciplinary Agriculture Program
- 室内设计(B).A.)
- 室内设计(B).S.)
- Industrial 教育 Program
- 工业技术
- 运动机能学
- 大众传播
- 数学
- 军事科学
- Music
- 哲学
- 物理
- Plant and Soil 科学 Program
- 政治科学
- 心理学
- 护理学院
- Social 科学 Composite Degree (B.A. 地理重点)
- Social 科学 Composite Degree (B.S. 地理重点)
- 社会学
- 西班牙语
- 剧院
In general, transfer students are eligible for most scholarships at Sam Houston State University. General scholarship information and applications forms may be obtained here.
The Carnegie Commission on Higher 教育 has ranked Sam Houston State University a "Doctoral 研究 University." This classification distinguishes the university by placing it in the top 7 percent of all 4,391 ranked private and public institutions of higher education in the United States.
Interested in another degree? 我们有79名本科生 学位课程. 检查我们的 Transfer Equivalency Guide to see which of your Lone Star College System classes equal the ones here at SHSU.