American Association of University Professors



The 山姆 Houston State University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (美国大学) serves faculty and all university personnel by emphasizing the importance of academic freedom and shared governance in the advancement of higher education. 学术 leadership, 奖学金, and integrity are fundamental to the reputation and continued success of 山姆 Houston State University. The 美国大学 Chapter at 山姆 Houston helps promote the highest standards in higher education and supports faculty 奖学金 and pedagogical philosophies to ensure the highest academic standards among Texas Universities.

Chapter 办公室rs and Members

Lutterschmit photo
Dr. 威廉我. Lutterschmidt
Department of Biological 科学
Dr. 黛安·L.H. Neudorf
Department of Biological 科学
Dr. Douglas Constance
Executive Committee
Department of Sociology
Dr. 氮化镓梁
Executive Committee
Department of Physics
Dr. 罗伯特·马修斯
Executive Committee
Department of General Business and Finance