
山姆 Houston State University is a member of the Texas State University System, headquartered in Austin, Texas. 的 Texas State University System is the oldest multi-campus system in Texas and is a major factor in the educational and economic development of Texas. 的 System is governed by a nine member Board of Regents appointed by the governor. A nonvoting student regent is appointed to the Board on an annual basis. 的 System is led by Chancellor Brian McCall.

SHSU 总统's Leadership Team consists of a 高级内阁 and an 扩展柜. 的ir purpose is to study, 审查, and make recommendations on matters brought up by committee members, to consider university-wide issues and make recommendations where appropriate, to disseminate information, 为了协调, 在必要时, university-wide activities and policies. Members of the 总统's Leadership Team include:


Provost and Senior Vice 总统 for 学术事务
Chief 金融 办公室r and Senior Vice 总统 for Operations
Senior Vice 总统 for Strategic Enrollment and Innovation
Vice 总统 for University Advancement
Interim Vice 总统 for 学生事务
Chief Strategy 办公室r
Chief 市场营销 办公室r
Director of 体育运动
Deputy to the 总统


Vice 总统 for Facilities Management
Vice 总统 for 注册成功
Vice 总统 for 研究 and Strategic Partnerships
Chief 经验 办公室r

In addition to the 总统's Cabinet, 山姆 Houston State University 教师参议院, the Council of 学术 Deans, 学术 Policy Council, 学术事务 Council, 员工委员会, and other University-sanctioned groups function to better the University.